We have established security protocols to fight coronavirus, says José Maurício Caldeira, from Asperbras

The group’s subsidiaries follow safety guidelines from official health organizations to minimize any risk in their operations
The new coronavirus pandemic is the biggest challenge the world has faced in a century. Since the beginning of the year, international and national authorities have been working to save lives, guaranteeing health care, while looking for mechanisms to mitigate the economic impact of Covid-19. The Asperbras Group is adapting its factories to this new reality. “We have established security protocols to face the coronavirus”, says José Maurício Caldeira, partner, shareholder and member of Asperbras‘ board of directors. “We have a series of rules that follow the guidelines of health organizations to minimize any risk.”
Asperbras made 70% gel alcohol available in all sectors of the group for hand hygiene, changed work schedules to avoid crowding, established a distance of six feet between employees when transporting products to the factory, prohibited the entry of third parties, determined that tables be separated individually with a minimum distance of five feet in the cafeterias and sent employees with banked hours or vacation days home, among other preventive measures. “Our priority is the health and safety of our employees,” says José Maurício Caldeira, from Asperbras.
At Greenplac, the group’s subsidiary that manufactures MDF panels, located in Água Clara (MS), these actions are also in line with the guidelines of the city hall, with whom the company is working side by side. With the well-being of everyone in mind, another one of the group’s companies, Bonolat – which manufactures dairy products in Penápolis (SP) – is operating even before its official inauguration, always following safety protocols, emphasizes Caldeira. There is a great demand for milk and its derivatives and the company is now making efforts to supply the demand since food is an essential product. This is the second Bonolat unit, the first is in Itagipe (MG).
The same guidelines are being followed at Abitte Urbanismo, the group’s urbanism and incorporations sector, which is nearing the completion of the Adisa Birigui I condominium, in the countryside of São Paulo. The condominium, located in Birigui, has 460 lots in an area of approximately 147 thousand square feet. The infrastructure works were completed at the end of the year, then the landscaping, paving of the sidewalks, lawns and coverage of the subdivision ordinance began. The last phase is the construction of walls and railings to further strengthen the security of the condominium. “The launch of the Adisa Birigui condos will take place as soon as activities return to normal,” concludes businessman José Mauricio Caldeira.
Founded in 1966 by Francisco Colnaghi, the first company of the Asperbras Group worked in agricultural implements and started to develop a robust business group operating in various economic segments in several countries. The Asperbras Group is solid and prepared to face this challenging moment in Brazil and the world and is aware of its social role, always prioritizing the health and safety of its employees.